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July 20, 2010


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Jennifer Bush

I like your take on the book. No person is an island nor should they have to be. I think in this case, her husband did have Laura to go to, even if he didn't realize it. I wonder if he would have been there for her if she had come to him with the same pronouncement.

Lisa H.

My husband and I have discussed the possibility of moving further away from our family and friends many, many times. The #1 reason is because we know it would make our relationship stronger and - possibly - better. Thanks for putting that into words.


Your take away message of others making us insane if we rely on them for our happiness is so true. Choosing happiness cannot always be that easy, especially if it involves making major life changes. Laura's husband was also trying to choose his own version of happiness.


I really liked the book as well--- it was like being inside her head as she dealt with something that is painfully difficult. I admire her commitment and resolve.

Laura Munson

Thank you for reading my book! I hope it helps people. Yrs, Laura

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