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July 06, 2010


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Linsey Krolik

I was afraid to have a boy! But I have one...and two girls. The two relationships are different, that's for sure. Having just spent time with my mother-in-law this past holiday weekend, I know what you mean about letting your son go when he marries. I see his mom struggle with that a bit, although I am relatively close with her, admire her, like her. I know my relationships with my girls will be fraught with emotion, but also shopping, pedicures, spooning in bed with ice cream....its all good!


My mom used to make a similiar threat aimed at my sister...but took it one step further, "I hope one day you have a kid JUST LIKE YOU." Turns out she has a lovely boy...I'm the one who got the spirited girl! As Lindsay says, it is all good!

Katie Rosman

I do love, in a sadomasocistic way, the justice I will be served at the hands of my daughter (who at 20 months is already SO WILLFUL and bossy).

PS: I am sure your husband and I know people in common! Throw some names out there.
PPS: I get the sense that your relationship with your mom and sisters is similar to mine.

dusty earth mother

Wow! That was incredible. I so wanted a girl and got one (and am amazed every day at HOW HARD girls are to raise) and I wanted a boy and got one (and am amazed every day at HOW EASY boys are to raise). So I am blessed in many ways--hard as it is!


As a nurse to newborn babies I think the curse of a mother wanting her daughter to have a daughter is laughable. We should all be so blesses as to have a daughter... or a son.

Kim Lam

I never really thought about the things you did when I found out I was having a girl. All I could think of was, "I'm going to raise a feminist" She's 4 now, and is outspoken, confident, and independent. Oh and dramatic (blame that on hubby). She drives me crazy sometimes but I know those traits will make her a strong woman.

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