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August 11, 2010


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You live a much more risky life than I. I am envious that you can just move away from everything and start over somewhere new. We were going to do that once... we chickened out. Now we can't... (not that I would want to now.) Kudos to you and your risky life! PS. Public transportation in NYC isn't all THAT bad if you know where you're going. Even I, the suburbanite, know that! :)


And my ring was his grandmother's that I got the day they put her in the ground... I am also very jealous of those beautiful rings my friends wear, but I know the sentimental value of the ring and wear it proudly every day... :)


Ha! I'd give anything to have lived somewhere long enough, or to have family in the area, so we could have in-person background checks on babysitters, or stellar school and doctor recommendations from people who know us really well.

I LOVE that you have a family ring!!


I love the adventure of moving. My husband does not like things to change. So we rarely move and life is safe and secure. It is probably better that way.


Your life sounds a bit like Annabelle's, marrying young and moving to NYC and then to NH. So glad your risks have only strengthened your marriage!


Isn't it funny how other people's lives seem so much more exciting and exotic than our own? My life is just the norm to me, so I'm always a bit surprised when people tell me that they admire some aspect of it. I think that was a theme in the book as well. Annabelle thought her life with Jeremiah would have been somehow better, when the reality is that it probably would have felt just as mundane (assuming that it worked out at all).

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