Cyberchase, the animated PBS Kids series, is celebrating Earth Month in "The Cyberchase Movie," an extra special 100th episode that begins airing today.
We were invited to an advance screening of the Cyberchase Movie at THIRTEEN WNET in Lincoln Center last week, and the environmental-friendly story required learning not only about animals (a favorite subject of the Kiddo!), but also fractions - something the Kiddo's learning in class right now! :-)
Guest star Rico Rodriguez (Manny from Modern Family) joins the voices of Christopher Lloyd and Gilbert Gottfried as Hacker begins drilling in a nature preserve - Ecotopia - and puts the future of the preserve's native animals in jeopardy. The super problem-solving team of kids needs to rescue the animals and restore harmony to the preserve - by using logic and math. The Kiddo and his friend E were able to figure out the answers as the movie went along.
We were also treated to a tour of the THIRTEEN WNET studio, and it dawned on me that eventhough the Kiddo has been in many TV studios, the working parts (cameras, lights, green screen, etc.) were never explained to him. I take it for granted since my days at WWMT, and I took the opportunity to have him hear about how the equipment works together to produce a program. They didn't have anything loaded in the teleprompter, but if we get another chance, I think that'll really bring things home for him - especially if he tries to read the words going by as he looks into the camera. Hee-hee.
Harry, star of "Cyberchase for Real," made an appearance and incited smiles all around.
At the end Harry was chillin' with the kids and noticed the Kiddo using his tongue to eat popcorn straight out of the container. Sigh. So as the group perfected the task, I nabbed this shot:
You can check out The Cyberchase Movie at on THIRTEEN on 4/15 at 4:30 p.m. or 4/20 at 11 a.m. OR on WLIW21 on 4/17 at 6:30 a.m. or on 4/20 at 5:30 p.m. OR on KIDS THIRTEEN on 4/16 at 6:30 a.m./p.m. 4/19 at 6:30 a.m./p.m. OR on or with the free PBS Kids video app.
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